My philosophy now is it is unacceptable to be unable to answer the call for duty.  This is no longer about me.  THIS IS ABOUT THEM.  We have taken the oath to protect our brothers and our citizens and to give every possible chance at life we can.  I feel many kids look up to firemen as true superheroes.  Even though some of us don’t feel that way, WE MUST ALWAYS BE WORTHY OF THEIR ADMIRATION and always give them our best when the tones go off.


what to expect

I understand how easy it can be to fall into the slump that grows daily and causes you to create excuses for yourself.  It is a constant battle to control your choices and minimize the influences the outside world has on you.  It is a constant choice to rest or keep pushing forward towards the goal you set.  It takes DISCIPLINE because motivation is fleeting. Motivation is fair weather, discipline trains no matter the circumstance, that is the key to reaching your potential.  I will help people find where their hang ups are and find out why they make excuses and we will find their discipline.


Started in the fire service in 2008 as a volunteer firefighter, professional firefighter In 2009.

Allowed myself to become complacent and lazy, injured myself in 2022 and realized that being fit for duty was important in my personal selfish longevity.  


Tru Hero Fitness is a 1:1 personal training and nutrition program tailored to your needs, goals, abilities, limitations, and feedback. I will work with you on close basis to help you reach your goals and maintain them for life.